Latest Site Updates

(02/11/24) - SITE UPGRADES

Phew! The site has been struggling lately. The 403 forbidden notices have nearly made the site unusable. The lack of email notifications have made communication challenging. 

The new site software will vastly improve the look and usability of the site for both buyers and sellers. The new option has a much better user experience on mobile devices. We will continue to update the site for easier communication and e-commerce functions including diversified payment options, more user-friendly navigation, a more guided experience for new users, and so on. The basics of the site won't change too much. When we go live we will highlight some of the changes, though they are easy to follow. We will also have a new how-to guide to share. 


Effective immediately all new listings with a value greater than $50 will require a unique identifier for your items for sale. This action is being implemented to protect the community. 

Remember the saying, "If it's too good to be true, it is". Please don't be so quick to jump on a deal. If someone is offering a PVW 23 for 25% below market this seller is likely not acting as a good person. If they have 2 of them for sale, then your spider senses show be going haywire. Please call out to admins suspicious activity whenever you see it. There are many amazing sellers on this site. With all good things, there will always be some shitbag trying to ruin it. 

As far as established listings go and this new requirement, we will allow some grandfather clauses to allow sellers the time to update. Some accounts have 100+ listings and they aren't going to revise them overnight pulling into their cellars. We realize this and will accommodate reasonable requests. This requirement is to protect against someone with little/no selling history pushing some high-dollar fake listings. They should not make a dime because this community should remain vigilant. 


Please be advised this option is only to pay for seller account fees associated with the sale of items. This option is NOT available for buyers to pay for items purchased through MBC. 

To receive an additional 10% credit to your MBC seller account the following criteria must be met:

- Submit your payment by Venmo to @mybeercollectibles-LLC as a gift payment. 

- Include your MBC username in the payment details. No other comments allowed.

- The minimum payment required to trigger a bonus credit is $20.

Please allow up to 24 hours for payment to be credited to your account. 


This holiday season all shipping carrier networks are stressed and maximized so please expect delays as the norm not the exception. The next couple weeks will be challenging for everyone in this supply chain.This holiday season all shipping carrier networks are stressed and maximized so please expect delays as the norm not the exception. The next couple weeks will be challenging for everyone in this supply chain. Let's all remember that we do this for fun and approach any problems with calm and optimism. We all have to have a little bit of flexibility to adapt to this unprecedented time. All three carriers are experiencing delays. Tracking may not update properly, packages may be lost or significantly delayed, customer service networks may not be available. The most important component is for users to openly communicate when problems do arise. 


We have recently identified an error in Paypal payment processing that has caused duplicate credits to user accounts when payments have been submitted. We are in the midst of a full audit of accounts and working with paypal to complete an assessment of the scope of this problem. Initial review leads us to believe that this error covers a significant period of time. You may notice a revision to your account balance over the next days/weeks. We apologize for this inconvenience. We are acting as quickly as possible to reconcile accounts.

You can check your account history to compare the credits+payments vs the debits.

Users can review their account history at any time by following this link:

You can also access this from the MBC home page, MyMBC > My Account > Account History

Please reach out with any questions. This audit will take some time. We can assure all users that we are conducting a full review of account history when discrepancies are identified.

(8/21/19) - The server work is nearly complete. We have had some nagging issues with some pictures properly loading. The site is up and you may notice some missing pictures here and there. You do NOT need to upload more pictures. Once we run through the redundancies all the pictures should again be on the site and accessible to users. 

(8/19/19) - Server update. In preparation for the next site upgrade occurring next week, we are moving to a larger, faster server this week. The site will need to be down for 12-24 hours. 

(01/04/19) - WINTER WEATHER

Some guidance on "weathering the storms"

- Buyer assumes responsibility for possible frozen contents due to the inability of sellers to control the weather, service delays caused by the weather, or boxes sitting in the cold on your front stoop. 

- Buyers assume the responsibility of communicating with seller the optimum shipping timeframe. Sellers are expected to oblige the shipping guidance provided by the buyer, within reason. This leaves an element of uncertainty to all shipments during this time of the year. 

- Practice caution. If you are unsure, hold the box until the weather warms. This is especially important for international shipments as the time exposed to cold weather is likely to be higher.
- All users are encouraged to utilize FedEx and UPS drop-off/pick-up points or commercial addresses to reduce the likelihood of frozen items (i.e. extra hours sitting on your porch). - 

- Walgreens locations accept FedEx packages and UPS Access Point allows users to reroute deliveries. We would advise this to users even when the weather is not of concern. 
- Sellers are encouraged to ship on Mondays to avoid shipping delays over the weekend in a cold storage facility/truck.
- Don't understand why a 15% pastry stout is "fine" but that beautiful 5% lambic is at a higher risk? We have provided some resources to educate. 

Freezing Point of Alcohol

Does Alcohol Freeze?

Effect of Dissolved Solids on Freezing Point 

(8/27/17) - 

There has been a bit of a discrepancy with sales fees on the site. The lower priced items up to $100 were always a set price; if you sold an item for $101 the fee almost doubled because it was calculated on a percentage basis. We have simplified the pricing structure to eliminate these inconsistencies. A significant number of sales on Mybeercollectibles come in the form of cans and mixed packs. We feel that if a seller is trying to sell mixed packs then the most effective way to do so is through a storefront with individual cans. This allows maximum flexibility for buyers and sellers. The new pricing structure should make this more competitive compared to the previous fee structure. As always the site fees can be accessed here

MBC Site fees

As always, the individual listing fees (reserve price, highlighting, home page feature, etc) are displayed during the listing process. 

In addition to the change in final value (sales) fees, we have updated some of the listing fees:

- reserve price - $0.50

- highlighted item - $0.25

- home page feature - $1.00

- category page feature - $0.75

Back in 2015 when the site was down for an extended time, we changed the above 4 fees to be $0 or very minimal as a concession and apology to users. However, if all items are featured/highlighted on the site then that feature is not worth anything and doesn't actually highlight/feature any item. Administrators will more actively monitor new listings and feature items without charge to the seller. 

(7/31/17) - 

- If you use the calculation tool for the USPS or UPS shipping module please read. You must edit your listings to include the box dimensions. This is a new function of the calculator. Unfortunately, this is throwing errors if the dimensions are not filled out when users try to purchase your items. 

- All email domains are successfully delivering to their inboxes. If you are missing emails please check your spam/junk folders and add and to your approved sender list.

- With the recent update, if you find any issues please notify us with the device and browser you are using. 

(7/28/17) - 

Hotmail and MSN domain email delivery issue has been resolved. AT&T domains may have delivery issue for another 24-48 hours, but are in-process for being fixed. 

A snippet of the upcoming updates. Expect to have them up in about a week or so:

- Numerous bug fixes on the way. 

- Revised shipping module

- Improved mobile and desktop layout

(6/21/17) - As mentioned on 6/18 the site was taken offline in order to migrate to a new server. There remain some email delivery issues as the proper anti-spam measures are added to outgoing emails. You may notice that emails are hitting your spam or junk inbox. this should be resolved in the next day or two. In the meantime, if you are expecting messages or have items for sale please be sure to check the site routinely and to check your junk inbox. As always, it is a good idea to have these addresses on your approved sender list -,,

(6/18/17) - you may have noticed the recent latency issues (slow page loading). MBC has outgrown its current server. We are moving to a bigger, better server this week and need to take the site down to ensure no data is lost or errors with any sales. This will commence around 1730 mountain time on Tuesday June 20th. The transition period is expected to occur over about a 24-hour period, but could take up to 48 hours before everything is in place and fully transferred. All listings scheduled to end from 20170620-1730 through 20170622-1730 will be edited to end at a later time. If you have any questions or need to communicate with a seller/buyer you can send a message to and we can help facilitate communication between parties. 

This short down time will greatly increase the performance of We have much more to come and this is just the beginning. Thank you for your continued support!!

(2/1/17) - effective at midnight tonight all users will be required to be verified to Sell AND Buy. If you feel that you have been active enough on the site that this requirement should not apply to you as a buyer then feel free to send me a message at

(1/3/17) - Changes and updates coming to the site, effective on/about Jan 08, 17

- Several site upgrades and updates to increase site performance, navigation, and user-friendly options. 

- Regular Paypal payment is the default payment option on this website. ALL sellers must comply and allow for this type of payment. No seller will be allowed to REQUIRE buyers to submit payment by Venmo, Google Wallet or Paypal friends and family. Those options are available for convenience. However, this is an e-commerce site. The primary reason e-commerce has grown so significantly is the ease of use. Register, click, pay, then seller ships. That's the whole idea behind it. There is no need for several emails back and forth to figure out how to make payment. Sellers should be able to bid and buy with ease. You are making 4 to 10 to 25 times the original price and you want to harp over 3% fees? 

- I have built an escrow payment option wherein the buyer sends payment to admin to hold until product is confirmed delivered. All new sellers will be required to utilize this escrow option for their first 10 sales. This will provide additional security for buyers. I am still tweaking some of the code to make the whole process more fluid. In the interim, buyers can send an escrow payment to and reference the site invoice #. I will notify the seller of payment and the rest of the transaction will flow as normal. Expect for the fully functional escrow option to be live by the end of the week (1/8/17).

- All sellers will be required to maintain a positive account balance. Accounts will be suspended below $0.01 balance. 

- All users will be required to verify their accounts. I will change the verification fee to $5 from $10 when this becomes active. 

- Non-payment from buyers will result in a $5 penalty, removed from account balance. This will result in account suspension. In order to reinstate account, users will need to pay another $5 to activate their account. There is a growing issue with buyers not following through with payment on their purchases. 

(11/27/16) - The Paypal issue and site cache/performance was resolved effective about 11/20. With the holiday I am late to post this notification. If you see any issues with PayPal please contact me right away as your problem is most likely not related. 

There will be some site improvements/modifications coming through the end of the year. Some are cosmetic, some are functional, and some determine the way users access the site. I will be implementing measures to streamline transactions and seek to eliminate the non-paying issues as well as increased vetting of incoming new users. More details to come.

(11/13/16) - The site has been having cache issues. This was the start of the issue with the Paypal linkage and display of PayPal addresses on site invoices. Some, not all, users are experiencing issues with the 'make payment' link being inactive. Now, the fix yesterday for that problem has led to a larger issue of file cache which has now led to the decreased performance you are experiencing today. We are actively working to resolve the issue. To deal with the PayPal problem I have temporarily removed the email filter block so that sellers can communicate their payment addresses without delays. Please don't hesitate to contact me to help resolve any issues caused by the current site performance. 

(9/12/16) - Hallelujah, Hotmail is fixed! No one should have anymore issues with delivery of messages anymore. Hotmail/MSN has been such a huge PITA, but we finally got it right. Sincere apologies for the delayed resolution on this issue.

(9/9/16 update) - all seller information has been removed from site invoices. We are in the process of adding the seller paypal address back to the invoice. In the interim, buyers can still make payment via the direct 'make payment' link, as always.

- At the request of numerous users we have modified the auctions on the site to allow for a 5 minute popcorn. Bids placed within the final minutes will extend an auction expiration time to 5 minutes.

(9/8/16) - Private messaging is back. All private messages are subject to admin approval. Messages are approved routinely so should not be a significant disruption to users. Any messaging attempting to conduct transactions off-site will not be delivered. 

Some further clarification on PMs - Private messages communicating payment details and/or personal contact details will be delayed and/or deleted. If you wish to purchase item seller is advised to list the item for sale. If an agreed upon price seller can list item at higher price and allow offers on item at agreed upon price. If you are attempting to communicate payment details following a legitimate sale, buyer/seller are advised to utilize the message board as that function is directly linked to sales and not subject to admin approval. By default, seller paypal email address is displayed on the site item invoice. Messages communicating phone # or email address will be significant'y delayed and edited to remove personal contact information. 

- Sellers have raised concern over protection of their information. Within 48 hours the only seller information available to buyers prior to payment will be the Paypal email of the seller. This should help protect from people who have nothing better to do than trying to out sellers to breweries.Â