Alle Sammen - 12%
Alle Sammen - translates to 'All Together' in Norwegian! A collaboration BA bottle that's been in the works for over 2 years with our good friends at Marto Brewing Co. and Dimensional Brewing Company. We are lovingly calling this beer a StoutWine - a blend of a 23 Month Barelywine and a
26 Month Imperial Stout which was later rested on 3 varieties of vanilla from Brazil, Comoros, and Tanzania.
-Original owner. Stored in a dark, climate controlled environment since purchase.
- PayPal friends and family payment (or other payment forms) is preferred, NOT required. By purchasing you acknowledge that you are the age of 21 or older and are legally allowed to purchase this item.
- Bottles/cans are intended to be a collectible. No returns, all sales are final.
- Will ship out within 3 business days of payment