(Double IPA, 8.8%, 16oz) The Emperor has returned with a delightful blend of orange and whole vanilla bean flavors. This beer has been refined to become one of the best hop-saturated contenders. It boasts bold flavors of juicy mango, orange starburst, and candied grapefruit, showcasing the perfect balance between potent hop character and a smooth drinking experience.
At its peak of freshness, we blended this base onto literal buckets of vanilla beans, and Emperor Creamsicle was born. On top of its classic hoppy Tree House character, we taste orange creamsicle and sweet orange vanilla bean syrup. This beer is a hoppy ode to spending time with friends and loved ones alike&mdashEnjoy!
***I provide white glove service from the time the cans leave the brewery, up to the time that they are dropped off for you. Cans are stored in a walk-in fridge (restaurant style) that is kept at 41.6 degrees. Every cans are individually wrapped in bubblewrap (or I use Whalepods depending on the size of the order). And now, I am proud to offer EXPRESS SHIPPING via FedEx -- meaning your order will get to you in 2 business days or less (for roughly 92% United States coverage). $18 gets you 12 cans shipped, and only $0.50 per can after that (maximum 24 cans per order, per box). Bulk Ground options are still available, so please don't hesitate to ask.***
CHECK OUT MY STORE FOR EVERYTHING AVAILABLE! https://www.mybeercollectibles.com/store/higgs-beers